6 Things That Hinder Your Self-Care Routine

You’re not the only one finding it difficult to follow up with a self-care routine.

While most of us agree that self-care is a priority, we also struggle with integrating it into our everyday lives.

Recognizing these barriers is the first step to defeating them. Some of them are easier to tackle, while others involve reframing your mind and thoughts.

Let’s discuss them here:

Lack of Motivation

The first and most common barrier to self-care is that we often lack motivation.

Self-care can feel overwhelming which can deter people who are just starting on the journey.

If you’re dealing with a lack of motivation, you can:

  • Break your self-care into smaller steps
  • Start with self-care that you enjoy e.g. yoga.

Guilt about Spending Time or Money on Yourself

Sometimes, people think self-care is the same as self-indulgence. This can create guilt which deters them from spending time and money taking care of themselves.

Self-care and self-pampering are not the same things. Self-care is about taking care of your mind, body, and soul. It is as essential as taking a shower and sleeping.

Even if it does cost time or money, you need to know that you deserve it.

Not Knowing Your Own Needs

When we lack personal boundaries, we overlook our own needs. This happens when we’re responsible for someone else, especially when they’re ill.

But it is important to know that your health matters. If you’re healthy and taking breaks, eating well, and looking after yourself, you’ll be better equipped to nurture and look after others.

Believing Self-Care is a Vanity Measure

For some, self-care is a vanity measure and a sign of weakness. You don’t just indulge in self-care when you’re sick or old, it’s something people of all ages need to do.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll be knee-deep in physical and emotional health issues.

Putting Others’ Needs First

When we’re a caregiver, we’re used to putting others’ needs first. We stop looking after ourselves and focus on providing others with everything. Every day you tell yourself, “I’ll take better care of myself tomorrow,” but every day you put it off.

This needs to change.

If you keep putting others before your needs, you’ll become an empty vessel with nothing to give. Self-care refills your cup which can help you cater to others better.

If you’re burnt out, stressed, frustrated, or unhappy, how can you emotionally and physically support anyone else, let alone do an excellent job at it?

Believing You’re Not Worthy

At one time or another, this thought must have crossed your mind. It gets especially loud and strong when we’ve pushed ourselves to the point of exhaustion.

Remember, self-care is a tool to help you feel and get better. With all that you do for others and yourself, you deserve to put yourself first.

It is through loving yourself that you’ll find your road to happiness. Invest in self-care and learn how to overcome your toxic traits with Jennifer Jennings’ new book, Happiness Guide: 7 Steps to Contentment.